Learning Programs |
Accounting for Financial Analysis:
Understanding Financial Statements; Analysis of Financial Statements-
Ratio Analysis, Funds Flow Statement, Cash Flow Statement; Accounting
Concepts and Conventions; Accounting for Depreciation, Inventory
Valuation, Managing Public Issues, Financial Statements of Banking,
Insurance and Non-Profit entities, Price level changes; Appropriation
of Profits; Recent Trends in Corporate Reporting. |
Organisational Behaviour :
Nature of Organisational Behaviour; Theories of Organisation
Behaviour; Organisational setting; Group dynamics and organisational
behaviour; Conflict and intergroup behaviour; Motivation and
organisational behaviour; Communication and group decision making;
Leadership; Organisational controls |
Quantitative Techniques: Statistics
& Econometrics:
Managerial decision making and Statistics; Frequency
distribution and their analysis; Index Numbers; Probability
Theory, Sampling and sampling distributions; Estimation; Tests
of Significance; Constructions of Confidence intervals for means
and proportions; Simple Linear regression analysis; Simple Correlation
analysis; Multiple regression and correlation analysis; Time
series analysis.Introduction to Nature and Scope of Econometrics;
Linear Models; Extension of the Linear Model; Generalised Least
Squares (GLS) estimation; Simultaneous Equations models; Monte
Carlo Studies, Simulation process, Evaluating simultaneous models;
Simultaneous confidence intervals
Economics for Financial Analysis-I: Micro Economics:
Demand and Supply Analysis; Production; Cost of Production;
Profit Maximisation and Competitive Supply; Competitive Markets;
Market Power - Monopoly, Monopsony, Monopolistic Competition
and Oligopoly; Market for Factor Inputs; General Equilibrium
and Economic Efficiency; Externalities and Public Goods.
Management Science:
Scientific decision making; Mathematical models and
decision theory;Matrices, Convex set & Convex function,Linear
Programming (Resource Allocation) - Graphical and simplex method,
Transportation and Assignment, Duality and Post Optimality,
Sequencing, Game Theory, Queuing Theory, PERT/CPM, Markov analysis;
Non-Linear Programming - Integer programming and its applications,
Goal programming, Formulation and applications, Applications
of Dynamic Programming, Simulation Techniques and Applications,
Cases of Operations Research |
106 Business Environment & Ethics:
Economic Environment, Factors affecting Demand, Market
Environment, Value Systems, Trends & Structure of Indian
Economy; Socio-Cultural EnvironmentClass Structure, Demographic
Profile, Life Styles; Financial Environment, Fiscal System;Banking,
Insurance, Financial Institutions, Export Finance, Public Issue,
Company Deposits,Debentures Environment & Ecology - Ecosystem,
Deterioration in Environment & Ecological Imbalances, Threats
to Ecosystems, Government Policy towards Environment; Political
Environment - Shift in Political Weather, Effects of Attitudes/Preferences;
Business Environment, Industrial Policy, Privatisation, Policy
on Foreign Investment & Technology; Business Ethics. Main
provisions of : Indian Contracts Act, 1872; Negotiable Instruments
Act, 188; Companies Act, 1956 ; Monopolies & Restrictive
Trade Practices Act, 1969; Consumer Protection Act, 1986 ; Securities
& Exchange Board of India Act, 1992; Patents Act; Securities
& Contracts Act, 1956; Sick Industrial Companies Act, 1985;
Foreign Exchange Regulation Act. |
Organisational Development:
Organisational Environment; Organisational Change, Change Process,
Resistance to Change, Management of Change; Approaches to Organisational
Development, Organisational Development Process; Team Building;
Organisational Dynamics, Power & Politics; Organisational
Climate, Components of Organisational Climate; Morale; Organisational
Culture & Sub-cultures; Socialisation ; Organisational Culture,
Organisational Effectiveness.
Introduction to Computers:
Introduction to Computer Systems; Components of a Computer
System; Computer Software and Hardware; Introduction to Networking
Concepts -Local Area Network, Wide Area Network, E-mail, Internet
; Storage & Retrieval of Data ; Application Packages -Spread
Sheets, Word Processing, Data Base Management Systems Packages,
Graphics, Statistical Packages, Financial Packages.; Managing
Data Processing in Organisation; E-Commerce. |
Economics for Financial Analysis-II:Macro Economics:
National Income Concepts and Methods of Estimating; Theory of
National Income Determination; Analysis of Money Market ;Credit
Market- Working and Control Mechanism; General Equilibrium -
IS-LM Model; International Aspects of Macroeconomics ; Theory
of Public Finance; India’s Public Finance; Macroeconomics
Policies. Consumption function, Saving and Investmnent, Theory
of Employment and Income, Inflation-causes and consequences |
Managerial Accounting & Control:
Managerial Accounting Environment; Cost Flows and Concepts;
Structure and Analysis of Cost; Techniques of Costing; Cost-Volume-Profit
Analysis ; Standard Costing and Variance Analysis; Budgeting
& Budgetary Control; Inventory Planning & Control; Pricing
Decisions, Recent Developments. |
Financial Management:
Basic Concepts of Valuation; Investment Decisions - Techniques
of Capital Budgeting; Cost of Capital; Risk Analysis in Capital
Budgeting; Financing Decisions - Theories of Capital Structure,
Planning the Capital Structure, Assessment of Debt Capacity;
Dividend Decisions, Models of Dividend Policy ,Legal Aspects
of Dividends; Working Capital Management, Financial Statement
Analysis. Financial Markets, Internal Financing, Lease Financing,
Merchant Banking, Corporate Restructuring.
Business & Corporate Taxation-I: Direct Taxes:
Nature and Scope of Corporate Taxation ; Taxation
for Property Business , Individual, Partnership Firms , Corporate
Tax and Procedure; Assessment Procedure; Wealth Tax. |
Business & Corporate Taxation--II: Indirect Taxes:
Sales Tax- Rationale, Structure and Adminstration of SAles Tax
in India; Excise Duty- Rationale of Excise Duty, Classification
of Goods, MODVAT,Valuation, Refund; Custom Duties-Rationale,
Classification of Goods, Import & Export tariff, Duty Drawback,
Search & seizure, Appeals and Revisions. |
Security Analysis & Portfolio Management:
Objectives of Financial Investment; Markets for Securities;
Security Returns and Valuation; Risk Factors; Economic Analysis;
Industry Analysis; Company Analysis; Technical Analysis; Bond
Analysis ; Stock Market in India ; Indian P/E Ratios & their
Role; Securities Market Systems & Dynamics. Basic Approaches
to Portfolio Management ; Portfolio Theory; Bond Management
Strategies; Portfolio Selection; Portfolio Analysis; Portfolio
Management and Performance Measurements; Portfolio Revision
Techniques; Management of Mutual Funds; Modifying Portfolio
with Derivatives; International Diversification. |
Working Capital Management:
Overview; Working Capital Policies; Planning of Working Capital;
Analysis of Working Capital; Financing & Control of Working
CApital,Management of Cash Marketable Securities, Receivables,
Inventory, Current Liabilities. |
Indian Financial System:
Structure & Functions of Financial System, Equilibrium in
Financial Markets; Overview of the Indian Financial System;
Reserve Bank of India; Commercial Banking in India; All India
Development Finance Institutions; Financial Sector Reforms;
Specialised Financial Institutions; Money Markets; Capital Markets;
Mutual Funds; Credit Rating; Non-Banking Financial Companies;
Venture Capital; Foreign Institutional Investors; Insurance
Companies. |
Business Policy & Corporate Strategy:
Concept of Corporate Strategy; Mission, Objectives & Goals;
Social Aspects of Business Policy; Environmental Analysis of
Business Policy; Analysis of Internal Resources; Strategic Planning;
Choice of Strategy; Strategy Implementation; Review and Evaluation
of Strategy. |
MIS & Finance: Computer Applications:
Meaning, Nature and Objectives of Management Control System;
Systems Theory & Management Control; Financial Control;
Management Control in Functional Areas - Production & Inventory
Control, Marketing & Distribution Control, Personnel Function,
Management Control in Service Organisation. |
International Finance:
Scope of International Finance, Balance of Payment
& Exchange Rate Determination; Foreign Exchange Market;
Forward Exchange Rates; Currency Futures; Currency Options;
Evolution of International Monetary and Financial System; International
Investment; Exchange Rate Management; International Banking;
Nature of Global Financial Market; Growth and Special Problems
of Multinational Corporations; Financial Dimensions of International
Trade; Multinational Working Capital Management; Foreign Trade
Financing. |
Corporate Tax Planning & Management:
Nature and Scope of Corporate Taxation; Methods of Tax Planning;
Selection of Appropriate Form of Organisation; Corporate Tax
Management Through ManagerialDecisions; Accounting Precautions
To Maximise a Tax Relief;Tax considerations in certain cases.Minimum
Alternate Tax, Corporate Tax Management through Financial Policies,
Wealth Tax on closely held companies. |
Management of Financial Institutions:
Financial Institutions & Economic Growth; Types of Financial
Institutions; Role of Reserve Bank of India in maintaining Regulations
in India, Management of Commercial Banks, Development Banks,
Investment Institutions; Financial Sector Reforms. |
Project Appraisal:
Planning & Control: Project Appraisal - An Overview; Market
Appraisal; Technical Appraisal; Estimates and Projections; Financial
Appraisal; Risk Analysis of Projects; Social Cost Benefit Analysis;
Identification of Investment Opportunities; PERT and CPM; Project
Review Procedures.
Financial Planning:
Strategic Financial Planning; Scanning Financial Environment;
Cash Flow Budgets; Financial Planning with Pro-forma Balance
Sheet; Advanced Financial Analysis & Planning; Short-term
& Long-term Financing; Financial Planning Model.
Financial Management of Public Sector Enterprises:
Objectives & Strategy of Public Enterprises; Management
of Public Enterprises; Financial Management in Public Sector;
Production Management; Accountability and Control; Investment
Financing & Project Appraisal. |
Project Management & Investment Decisions:
Investment Decision Making - Basic Consideration : Risk and
Return; Identification of Invt. Opportunities; Market Appraisal;
Technical Appraisal; Estimates and Projection; Financial Appraisal;
Social Cost Benefit Analysis; PERT and CPM - Time and Resource
Planning; Project Review and Control Stop by Stop Procedure.
Budgeting & Budgetary Control:
Management Process; Fundamentals of Budgeting; Classification
& Types of Budgets; Budgeting Process; Application of Budgeting;
Performance Evaluation and Follow Procedures; Analysis of Budget
Variances & Budgetary Control. |
409 Personal Investment & Tax Planning:
Nature & Prospects of Personal Investment; Savings &
Investment; Investment setting; Investment Analysis & Management;
Risk & Returns; Modern Portfolio Theories; Portfolio Management
& Performance; Tax Planning & Investment, Capital Gains;
Income from other sources; Deduction & Rebates. |
Project Work (Equivalent to two courses) :
With the objective of providing greater flair of corporate experience,
each participant is required in Semester IV/VI, to be associated
with a Corporate House and choose a practical problem relevant
to the Company. The participant is expected to understand/ comprehend
the problem, evaluate the various options and then suggest feasible
solutions for the same. |
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