The examinations are conducted at the end of each semester. Each paper is of 100 marks. Each question paper is divided into five sections. All the sections are required to be attempted by the candidates. Section I is of 15 marks and contains concept test with 15 true/false questions. Section II is of 20 marks and has 10 multiple choice questions. Section III is of 20 marks and has four short answer questions. Section IV is of 20 marks and contains two long answer questions. Section V is of 25 marks and includes a detailed case study.For DLP's please see additional guidelines in the program brochure. A candidate to pass a semester must secure minimum pass marks of 50 percent in aggregate and 40 percent in each individual paper. However, if a candidate fails to get 40 percent marks in individual papers but obtains 50 percent in aggregate, he may be allowed to proceed to the next semester and would be eligible for reappearing in that paper or all the papers of the previous semesters simultaneously with the papers of the next semester. Similarly, when a candidate gets 40 percent marks in each paper but fails to get 50 percent in aggregate he may be declared to be eligible for reappearing in any one or all the papers to obtain the minimum aggregate marks of 50 percent. Successful candidates are classified in the following categories: 75 percent and above Distinction; 60 percent - 75 percent: First Division; 50 percent - 60 percent: Second Division Evaluation System The evaluation system in the Institute is continuous and rigorous. The system is expected to motivate the students towards excellence through continuously monitoring their performance and providing them timely feedback. A full time student is evaluated on the basis of class participation, quizzes, home/class assignments, presentation, Managerial experience (in house training), mid-term and final examinations. The FBA fellow is also evaluated on the basis of research papers, seminar participation, attendance in international conferences and teaching capabilities. The students are required to keep themselves engaged throughout their academic work.